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We are still a nation of beer drinkers

Today we will once again confirm the trite information that the Czech Republic is a nation of beer drinkers. You might expect that this applies mainly to men, but we can also find many female fans of the golden beverage.

Overall, 7 out of 10 gastro visitors said that beer was their favourite drink this summer. Beer had even more fans than Kofola on tap.

I guess we can’t talk about any great insight into beer here, as 37% of beer drinkers say they basically don’t care what beer they drink and only 14% of them choose an outlets based on the brand of beer it offers.


Even Slovaks chose beer over draft Kofola this summer. The same 7 out of 10 gastro visitors mentioned it as their favourite summer hit.

But brand loyalty is lower in Slovakia, with 43% of Slovak beer drinkers saying they don’t care what beer they have in a pub and only 9% choosing outlets based on the brand of beer.